Mobile charger, USB C battery pack, 3A fast charging 10400mAh LED display, ultra-thin mobile phone battery charger
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Mobile charger, USB C battery pack, 3A fast charging 10400mAh LED display, ultra-thin mobile phone battery charger पर 49% बचाएं
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  • Compact and portable
  • Fast charging
  • LED charging indicator
  • Good for travel
  • Affordable price

Mobile charger, USB C battery pack, 3A fast charging 10400mAh LED display, ultra-thin mobile phone battery charger

(49% छूट)
$17.91 कैशबैक के बाद
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इस आइटम के बारे में

  • 10400mAh Slim Portable Charger:Portable charger could charge iPhone 8 for 3.6 times, a Galaxy S8 2.3 times, or an iPad mini 6 1.2 times; It's also compatible with Samsung, LG, Google Pixel, Motorola, Xiaomi, Huawei, OnePlus, Oppo too. Only 16mm thickness, easily slide into pockets, purse or bags; minimalist and sleek design offers a great grip; great for all ages or gender to use.
  • Smart LED Digital Display:Percentage-based readout shows you the accurate battery level. No more guessing the remaining power and when to recharge. A very practical portable charger for android cell phones or iPhones on your daily life
  • Widely compatible with iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 12, iPhone 7, iPhone 11, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone X, iPhone XR, iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max etc, Samsung Galaxy S21, S21 Ultra, S20 FE 5G, Galaxy A52 5G, Note 20 Ultra 5G, S10 Plus, S10, S10e, Note 9, S9 Plus, Galaxy S9, Note 8, Galaxy Fold, Flip 3 and Fold 3 Series, Galaxy A9, Galaxy A8 Plus, LG G7 ThinQ, V40 ThinQ, V35 ThinQ, Stylo 4, Q7+, K8 (2018), G8 ThinQ, G6, Q6, Moto G7, Moto G6, G7 Power, G7 Plus, G7 Play, Moto Z2 Play, E5, G6 Plus, Z3 Play, E5 Plus etc, Google Pixel 5A, Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro etc, OnePlus 9, OnePlus 9 Pro etc, Xiaomi Mi 9, Mi 8 Pro, Mi Mix 3, Mi 8, Mi Mix 2S, Xiaomi Pocophone F1, Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite, Mi A2, Mi Note 3 etc and Huawei, Oppo, TCL Smart Phones etc. Portable charger with usb c port 3A fast in or out. Wonderful portable charger for everyone daily use.


Model: W1056, Color: White<br/>Dimensions: 5.67*2.64*0.6inch, Item weight: 228g/0.5lb<br/>Rated Energy:38.48Wh, Capacity:10400mAh<br/>2 x Input ports: Micro input 5V-2A, USB C input 5V-3A;<br/>3 x Output ports: USB C 5V-3A single max, USB 1/2 5V-3A single max;<br/>Total output (USB 1/2 + USB C output )5V 3A (15W) max;<br/>Recharging Time: Appro 4.5 hours via usb c input by 5V/3A speed<br/>Charge for iPhone and Android perfectly
  • वजन: 1.2 LB
  • ऊँचाई: 0.51 IN
  • लंबाई: 5.71 IN
  • वजन: 2.68 IN

समीक्षा का सारांश

AI द्वारा जनरेट की गई सामग्री
This portable charger is a great choice for those who need to charge their phones quickly. It is easy to use and compact, and comes with a pouch for emergency use. It holds a good amount of charge and charges quickly, even when not in use. It is also durable and can last a long time.


  • Compact and portable
  • Fast charging
  • LED charging indicator
  • Good for travel
  • Affordable price


  • Slow charging at first
  • Takes time to charge power bank
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(11% छूट)