The bodies of two men have been recovered from a plane that was found face down in a lake, Alaska State Troopers said ...
Dave Hedgers and Aaron Fryer were found dead inside a Taylorcraft BC-12 plane that crashed into Six Mile Lake near Nondalton, ...
ANCHORAGE, ALASKA -- The bodies of two men have been recovered from a plane that was found face down in a lake, Alaska State ...
The bodies of two men have been recovered from a plane that was found face down in a lake, Alaska State Troopers said Saturday.Troopers were notified late Friday of the upside-down aircraft in Six ...
Alaska State Troopers reported on Saturday that the remains of two individuals were retrieved from an aircraft discovered ...
The bodies of two men have been recovered from a plane that was found face down in a lake, Alaska State Troopers said ...
The bodies of Dave Hedgers, 58, and Aaron Fryer, 45, were found by a dive team inside the aircraft in Six Mile Lake near the Athabascan community of Nondalton, about 322 km southwest of Anchorage, ...
In the swirling evening fog of June 2, 1994, RAF Chinook helicopter ZD576 crashed into a remote mountainside on the Mull of ...
Eighty years ago, the focus of Americans turned to the shores of France, where on June 6, vast allied armadas launched an invasion to begin the liberation of Europe from the Nazi forces of Germany. As ...
These men and women were not superheroes, but ordinary people thrust into extreme circumstances who chose to live up to American values and principles.
Lab-grown meat is not currently available in any U.S. grocery stores or restaurants. If some lawmakers have their way, it ...
On Braun’s plate is the management of his nomination of freshman state Rep. Julie McGuire as lieutenant governor into a June ...