U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on Sunday the Senate would once again try to pass a bipartisan border security ...
Over 1.8 million illegal aliens a year still would be permitted to enter the United States under the Senate's border bill.
Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on Sunday the Senate would once again try to pass a bipartisan border security bill this ...
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's second attempt to revive a border security bill failed spectacularly Thursday as even ...
A Senate vote on an already once-failed bipartisan border security package has failed again 43-50 after Senate Majority ...
Republicans in both chambers of Congress are warning that they won't support Chuck Schumer's second attempt to bring back a ...
Majority Leader Chuck Schumer will bring the bipartisan border deal that was negotiated early this year back up on the floor ...
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) claimed the failed U.S.-Mexico border bill, which was downed again in the Senate this week, was a ...
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-New York) has announced that the Senate will vote again this week on a bipartisan ...
The bipartisan border enforcement compromise, blocked by Republicans in February, is all but certain to be thwarted again.
Democrats criticized the GOP for walking away from a chance to fix the border, something they have been calling an urgent ...
WASHINGTON ( NewsNation) — Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., called for a vote this week on a revived border ...