Fleetwood Mac members were never short on topics to write about, and Stevie Nicks aimed this number directly at Lindsey ...
The solo career of George Harrison allowed him to express he ideas that had been subdued within The Beatles, but he was ...
Whichever way you spin it, the world of cinema would have looked very different without the influence of John Wayne. A true ...
A lot of people seem to think that the entertainment industry is straightforward, but it’s not; it’s a plethora of sliding ...
For producer Rick Rubin, rock and roll bands don't come much better than AC/DC, with their 1979 album 'Highway to Hell' ...
Counting down five prominent examples of plagiarism within the songwriting of John Lennon, who borrowed from the likes of ...
AC/DC have a catalogue of classics, but there is one record in particular that Angus Young says is the definitive AC/DC album ...
Celebrated actor Tom Hanks moved to New York in the late 1970s, a time in which the music scene of the city was being ...
Roger Waters was all about creating vast soundscapes when he made a Pink Floyd album, but he thought this composer was ...
There aren’t many things as easily navigable as the influences of a particular musical genre. Whether it is rhythm, style or ...
They say that time waits for nobody, but at least Martin Scorsese was more than happy to hang around. The director waited for ...
The ‘men on a mission’ movie is a cinematic archetype that’s been done to death across countless genres, but Quentin ...