Star Trek” icon George Takei spent three years as a child behind barbed wires, guarded by soldiers with guns, among 120,000 ...
NEW YORK — As high-stakes elections approach in the U.S. and European Union, publicly available artificial intelligence tools ...
At around 7:40 pm, there was a report of a person who had fallen into the water at the Magnum Point Marina, according to a ...
For British women who came of age during World War II, the answer to that question is often: quite a lot. The history of ...
Brian Alexander, who holds doctorate in dental surgery from the Medical College of Virginia, drives a dump truck in Franklin ...
The gatherings involved students at Christiansburg High School who came to Floyd to “settle things” about a co-ed at their ...
Attentive action and a trip to the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine’s Teaching Hospital saved the life of a ...
The Christiansburg Library and the Friends of the Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library announce the return of Music on the Lawn, ...
Blacksburg’s Cameron Lee crosses the finish line to place third in the 4x400-meter relay and win the Bruins the Class 4 state ...
With my retirement in December, I became part of the “peak” of the Baby Boom — the 30 million of us representing the tail end ...
For a club with 20 come-from-behind wins under its belt already this season, Virginia didn’t worry or panic while trailing by ...
Nine out of 10 of his pieces listed were sold at his first museum exhibition in January. He's not even 2 years old yet.